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start [2015/03/30 22:34] adminstart [2020/11/07 14:43] sammys
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ===== Geraffel Wiki ===== ===== Geraffel Wiki =====
 +=== This is the official geraffel wiki ===
 +Geraffel (orig. russ.: "БзґѳЎЎэф") makes a lot of noise in the middle of the camp so you won't sleep at night.  \\
 +AKA a bunch of veteran nerds with a nasty setup, hosting a hacker camp every 2 years since 1999. 
 +This wiki is for planning/coordination of upcoming Events
 +**geraffel __member__** can find the Orga page here =>  [[geraffel:orga]]
 +<WRAP center round important 60%>
 +After registration/user creation, you have to wait until the admin has approved your request and added you to the geraffel group :-) \\
 +If you are friendly, the admin will send you an email after your account was upgraded!
 +===== Projects ====
 +Our projects can be found here =>  [[projects:geraffelbanner]]
 +EggBot (internal only) => [[geraffel:eggbot]]
 +See you @
 +  * **MCH2021 - May Contain Hackers **, Zeewolde, the Netherlands, on August 6-10, 2021. 
 +You (may) saw and hear the geraffel village @
 +  * **Chaos Communication Camp 2019**, August , 2019, Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick “near” Berlin, Germany 
 +  * **SHA2017 - STILL HACKING ANYWAY**, August 2017, The Netherlands
 +  * **Chaos Communication Camp 2015**, August 13-17, 2015, Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick “near” Berlin, Germany  
 +  * **OHM2013 - Observe. Hack. Make.**, July 31 - August 4 2013, Geestmerambacht, The Netherlands 
 +  * **Chaos Communication Camp 2011**, August 10-14, 2011, Finowfurt near Berlin, Germany 
 +  * **HAR2009 - Hacking at Random**, August 13-16 2009, Vierhouten, The Netherlands 
 +  * **Chaos Communication Camp 2007**, August 8-12 2007, Finowfurt near Berlin, Germany 
 +  * **WTH - What The Hack**, July 28-31 2005, Liempde, The Netherlands
 +  * **Chaos Communication Camp 2003**, August 7-10 2003, Altlandsberg near Berlin, Germany
 +  * **HAL2001 - Hackers at Large**, August 9-12 2001, Twente, The Netherlands
 +  * **Chaos Communication Camp 1999**, August 6-8 1999, Altlandsberg near Berlin, Germany 
 +==== Geraffel Theme ====
 +If you like electronic musik, you may want to listen to our official **geraffel Theme**
 +  * 1st official geraffel theme => {{wiki:geraffel_theme_part1.mp3| 1st official geraffel theme }}  
 +  * geraffel in the House => {{wiki:geraffel_in_the_house.mp3| geraffel in the House}}
-{{geraffel-logo.png}} +------ 
-This is the official geraffel wiki+------ 
 +{{wiki:geraffel-zelt.jpg|geraffel Village @ HAR2009 - Hacking at Random }}{{wiki:geraffel-nacht.jpg?300x300|geraffel Village @ HAR2009 - Hacking at Random }}  
-{{wiki:geraffel-zelt.jpg}}+** Geraffel Village @ HAR2009 Hacking at Random **
start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/07/23 10:38 von chaosle